Day 3

Rain! Rode from Staunton Virginia to my Uncle and Aunt's house in Oak Ridge NC. I'm glad I only had about 185 miles to ride today because it was pouring rain almost the entire time. I had originally planned to ride about 100 miles of Skyline drive and the Blue Ridge Parkway but when I saw the view of the parkway in the picture below, I decided it would be safer to just blast on the highway. I'm glad I didnt get caught in the rain in wind up at 3000 feet!

It was my Uncle's birthday as well so We went out to dinner and had some birthday cake! When my Aunt asked "Do you want to cut the cake and make a wish?" my Uncle replied "What do I have to wish for? I already have you!"

I'm staying an extra night here in NC because its going to be nothing but rain tomorrow. So I'll be heading to Tennessee on Thursday.

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